How to Check if iPhone Battery is Original or Not

To check whether an iPhone battery is original or not, you can use several methods. Firstly, conduct a physical examination, looking for smooth edges and a holographic label with Apple’s logo. Verify the battery’s unique serial number by cross-referencing it with Apple’s official database online. Additionally, utilize the built-in Battery Health feature in your iPhone’s settings to check for consistent information on maximum capacity and peak performance. Third-party battery testing apps, like Battery Life or CoconutBattery, offer insights into capacity and voltage. For a more comprehensive analysis, consider using tools like 3u Tool or iBackupbot, which provide detailed information about the battery, including manufacturing date and serial number. By combining these methods, you can confidently verify the authenticity of your iPhone battery and ensure a smooth performance.

What is a Genuine iPhone Battery

Before getting into the methods of verification, it’s essential to understand what forms a genuine iPhone battery. Apple, the manufacturer of iPhones, uses high-quality materials and strict manufacturing processes to create batteries that meet uncompromising safety and performance standards. These batteries undergo extensive testing to ensure compatibility and efficiency with each iPhone model.

6 Ways to Check if an iPhone Battery is Original or Not:

1.Physical Examination

The first step in determining the authenticity of your iPhone battery is a physical examination, especially when facing overheating issues. Genuine iPhone batteries have a consistent design, with smooth and precisely aligned edges. Counterfeit batteries may exhibit irregularities, such as uneven seams or poor build quality. Additionally, authentic batteries often feature a holographic label with Apple’s logo. If you are experiencing overheating problems, it’s crucial to address them promptly and consider the authenticity of your battery as part of the diagnostic process. If in doubt, seeking professional assistance, such as iPhone repair services or contacting Apple support, can help ensure the safety and performance of your device.

2. Battery Serial Number

Every genuine iPhone battery comes with a unique serial number. To check if your iPhone battery is original or not, locate the serial number on the battery and cross-reference it with Apple’s official database. You can find this database on Apple’s website, where you enter the serial number to verify its authenticity.

3. Battery Health Feature in the Settings

Apple provides an in-built feature on iPhones that allows users to monitor their battery health, helping you identify and address issues such as a battery draining problem. Navigate to “Settings,” select “Battery,” and then tap on “Battery Health.” Here, you can view crucial information such as maximum capacity and peak performance capability. If you notice any discrepancies or encounter a battery draining issue, it’s advisable to explore potential solutions or seek assistance from Apple support to ensure your device operates optimally. If the data aligns with Apple’s specifications, your battery is likely genuine.

4. Battery Testing App

Several third-party apps, such as Battery Life and CoconutBattery, enable users to analyze the performance of their iPhone battery. These apps provide detailed insights into the battery’s capacity, voltage, and cycle count. Authentic batteries tend to display consistent data, while counterfeit ones may show irregularities.

5. 3u Tool

For a more comprehensive analysis, consider using the 3u Tool, a software application that provides detailed information about your iPhone’s hardware, including the battery. Connect your iPhone to your computer, launch the 3u Tool, and navigate to the “Battery” section for an in-depth assessment. This is one of the efficient ways to check if an iPhone battery is original or not.

6. iBackupbot Software

iBackupbot is another useful tool for checking if your iPhone’s battery is original or not. This software allows you to access the device’s backup files, where you can find information about the battery’s manufacturing date, serial number, and more. A genuine battery will have consistent and accurate details.


It’s crucial to verify your iPhone battery’s authenticity to ensure device performance and safety. Methods include physical inspection, checking the battery serial number, using the Battery Health feature, and tools like 3u Tool and iBackupbot. Vantel offers expert diagnostics and repairs for seamless iPhone maintenance, addressing issues with batteries, screens, and more, ensuring optimal device integrity and user experience.

Frequently Asked Questions

Can I trust the holographic label on my iPhone battery?

While the holographic label is a positive indicator, it’s not foolproof. Counterfeiters may replicate it. Therefore, it’s essential to combine the holographic label check with other methods like serial number verification.

What should I do if I discover that my iPhone battery is fake?

If you suspect you have a counterfeit battery, it is recommended that you replace it with a genuine one through authorized Apple service providers to ensure compatibility and safety.

Are third-party battery testing apps reliable?

Yes, many third-party battery testing apps are reliable. However, it’s crucial to choose reputable apps and cross-verify the results with multiple tools for a more accurate assessment.